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Morzine Mountain adventure

Our Morzine mountain adventure started at ski chalet Le Mousseron.  Every day we look out of our huge windows at the fabulous views down the Morzine valley and the dominating mountain backdrop with Pointe de Nantaux at 2110m above sea level standing proud.  After seeing this peak from afar every day for years we thought ‘Lets climb it’  hoping to find snow and panoramic views.. We found both! With spectacular views and patches of winter snow we experienced a sereal but peaceful silence as we gazed at breathtaking panorama of Mont Blanc, lake Montriond and looked down at Avoriaz. Taking a bit of an extreme path, we walked up in a very direct straight line, however there is a gentle path which still gets you to the very top! It took us a gentle 4 hours up (with lots of breaks of course) and 2 hours down, but definitely feeling great for it and definitely well worth the hike. 

Morzine mountainMorzine mountain from ski chalet

Morzine mountain viewsmorzine mountain lake

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